Dec 23, 2009

Simple as possible

Einstein quote: "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler."

Dec 3, 2009

Study: Computers Don't Save Hospitals Money

Dr. Himmelstein is right about his findings that IT projects in general failed the healthcare system. Many studies have shown that 70% of IT projects fail due to lack of end users participation is designing the system from ground up. Most IT projects are designed by Information Architects (whatever that means) who have no hands-on experience as a doctor, nurse or patient so from the start it is due to failure. Bruce Nussbaum, editor of Businessweek Innovation has a lot to say about this since he understand how we need a human centered design strategy to solve day to day problems including our health care system. As a summary, IT is just a tool like a hammer and our goal is to make healthcare system efficient and provide quality care to patients. There are a number of ways to accomplish this goal and IT is just one tool that can help solve the problem if design properly.