Jun 30, 2009

Getting the Job Done


As the words of marketing guru Ted Levitt "People don't want a quarter-inch drill; they want a quarter-inch hole."  

We should keep this in mind when we deliver products and services to our clients/customers.

Give examples on how you provide the following actions to your customers:

Solving a Problem
Filling  a Need

Jun 22, 2009

Samsung or LG should Buy Palm WebOS

Palm, the maker of much heralded Palm Pre but lack the marketing
splash when it debut last week is in financial crisis. They were only
able to sell 50,000 phones during the opening weekend. The market cap
for this company is about 1.9 Billion US but this can be had for less.

Besides a nice hardware, the new OS called WebOS is considered on par
with the iPhone in user interface and technical sophistication. In
order for Samsung or LG to penetrate the smartphone market in Europe
and North America they need a software platform that can match that of
the iPhone.

BTW. Palm is now mostly run by ex-Apple employees including their
current CEO Jon Rubinstein (ex VP of Hardware Engineering at Apple)

Jun 17, 2009

Less is Better

In this world of full of information, it is imperative that we get to
the point when we speak to others.

Google's elevator pitch:
"access to the world's information in one click" (eight words).

Jun 15, 2009

Car Dashboard as an Open Platform for Korean Automakers

Korean car companies should start partnering with companies outside
their fields to create a truly amazing product (Hint: Samsung and LG)
or risk being replaced by brands from China and India. Today's
competitive market calls for innovative thinking similar to what Ford
and Mirrosoft did with the Sync System. That system is a good start as
a platform. Today's car is no longer just a car as we know it but
needs to cater people's lifestyle.

Think about the service model in iPhone. The car dashboard can be a
platform for developers to develop applications to meet the customer
varying needs.

Jun 13, 2009

Korea as a Role Model for Sustainable Living

South Korea has a lot to offer to the world as a role model for sustainable living. The government is willing to adopt new changes that can better the life of her citizens. Not only are urban planning first class but the standard of living is one of the highest in the world (if not the best in the world).

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Where Creative People Work

I found these images of offices where creative people work. You can see that the office is mainly setup for COLLABORATION. Also, the walls and furniture are full of visual representations to help generate ideas.

In any business field whether in accounting, engineering, health care we should be inspired to solve problems.


Innovation is Solving Problem

Here are some topics that need expansion in uthe pcoming blogs.

Spontaneous, experimentation, risk taking, flexibility and openness
empathy, prototyping, sketching, collaboration, synergies between silos.

In addition there are a lot of topics in this blog related to collaboration and innovation.

The Legacy of Lafley as a CEO with a Clear Vision

He is the first well known CEO that engages the customers in creating new products that truly use innovative thinking and customer experience as his company's basis and not just focus groups. For example, the Swiffer and all its related products.

Edward Tufte in Beautiful Evidence

BEFORE (Using Typical PPT slides)

AFTER (Tufte's Interpretation)

The vision of Edward Tufte is to create clarity from data confusion.

Jun 12, 2009

Better Place has Clear Vision

We need a clear vision now that is big and bold such as Shai Agaissi's reference on JFK to put a man in the moon and bring him back safely in a decade.  See his talk at TED.

I can see a nation has the potential to accomplish this idea when the central government has a clear vision that uses its key resources to accomplish her goal. Having been to South Korea many times, I can see the potential for this country to lead and accomplish this vision because of a strong central government with leading edge industry in automotive, electronic and battery systems.

Clear Idea in 3 minutes

The following visual representation using text and pictures give us a clear and concise idea within 3 minutes:

Jun 8, 2009

Make something people want

Each new member of Y Combinator gets a Tshirt called "Make something people want" since this is the only way to make your business relevant.